Formula K began as the third Grand Prix type facility in the United States. Within the first month of business it became apparent that a successful facility would require rides for all ages and not just 16 and up. Unsatisfied with the karts and Grand Prix cars that were available at the time, Formula K began manufacturing Grand Prix cars and go-karts in 1976. To date, we have owned and operated nine different facilities in various parts of the country.
30 years later, manufacturing has become our primary business. Our manufacturing division has the advantage of first hand knowledge and experience in track design and facility construction. We continuously test and improve our equipment, products, and services in order to better meet the changing needs of both the veteran track owner and the new track owner.
Formula K has manufactured more than 14,000 go-karts since our start in 1975, and most of these go-karts and Grand Prix cars are still in use and earning money for their owners. We continue to service every kart we have ever built. We also supply parts and make custom replacement parts for most any other go-kart ever manufactured by other companies.
Our goal at Formula K is to continuously improve our products. We strive to be innovative in our development of new products that add new excitement and safety to the family entertainment industry. Our focus is always on safety and ease of maintenance.