With the security of one pedal control, the F-5000 is the perfect go-kart for the 5-9 year old racer. Made from the same quality parts as our regular sized go-karts, it has a 5.5 hp Honda motor so you don’t need to have a separate inventory of motor parts..

- Length: 60 in.
Width: 36 in.
Height: 36 in.
Weight: 280 lbs.
Front Tires: 11 x 3.60 x 5
Rear Tires: 11 x 3.60 x 5
Wheels: Heavy duty 9 gauge stamped steel
Passenger: 1 Driver minimum 40″ height recommended
Frame: 1″ x 2″ 11 gauge tube construction
Motor: 5.5 hp Honda with 2:1 Gear Reduction Clutch
Rail System: Wraparound Spring Steel Bumper System
Optional Equipment
- Custom Sticker Package
6.5 hp Honda Moor
24V Electric Motor
Fiberglass Wing